Friday, October 17, 2008

Aloha Friday!

Ketchup. Catsup. Catch-up. Whatever you call it, that's what I'm playing today. Ok seriously, its already Friday?!?! Where did the week go? Not that I'm complaining.

Lets start with an award from the lovely Tena! She has awarded me with this.

So now I have to tell you 6 things that make me happy and then pass this on, soooooooooooo

1. My little family

2. A good book

3. Girls night out.

4. The month of April.

5. 8:30 at night, you know when both kids are asleep for the night

6. When my kids are playing and laughing together.

And I'm totally cheating and passing this one to everyone! Go ahead and do it if you read this. Yes, that means all three of you. HA!

Next up, I was tagged by Amanda. This is the sixth of the sixth tag. Rules: I have to go into my photo albums and enter the 6th album, pick the 6th picture and post it here with a description.

pretty obvious huh? Its Mia, hamming it up in the bathtub. I'm sure she wasn't sitting still so that's why she's all the way to one side.

Last but not least, Aloha Friday. Check out more here. My question this week is,

"What is one thing you could not live without?" and lets leave out the obvious answers like, family, food, water, and computer HAHA!

ok, I think that's good. Stay tuned........


Jennifer said...

It's a toss-up. My hair straightmer or my crockpot. ;D

Happy Aloha friday! :)

Tena said...

Umm sleep!!!! I love to sleep!! Or diet coke!! I love me some diet coke!!

Anonymous said...

SUNLIGHT! I think I get that seasonal disorder thing! I need that sun!

The Farmer Files said...

Jesus. ;)

Tara said...

Family, laptop, lotion!! lol

The Mom said...

I wanted to tell you Sammi, that I gave you 2 awards, please come and check them out - I see you just got one too, congrats!